Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a life-threatening mental illness characterised by persistent behaviours that makes it hard for a person to meet their energy needs in order to maintain a weight that is deemed healthy for them. Those unhealthy behaviours can include food restriction, excessive physical activity, misuse of laxatives/diuretics or self-induced vomiting. 

Often those behaviours stem from a strong desire to pursue thinness and there may even be body dysmorphia experienced by many individuals suffering from anorexia. For instance, the latter will be strongly preoccupied with their appearance, thinking that they look too fat when in fact they have a normal weight or are even underweight.

Warning signs and symptoms

As a result, someone suffering from anorexia could experience the following symptoms: 

    • Physical: irritability, mood swings, fatigue, dizziness, feeling cold all the time, nutrient deficiencies, low blood pressure, decrease in heart rate, insomnia, muscle cramps, hair loss, irregular menstrual cycle or amenorrhea (loss of period), digestive issues such as constipation, bloating and abdominal cramps. 
    • Social: increased isolation, strained relationships with peers, anxiety to eat, out, always comparing food intake to others and having to eat less than others.
    • Psychological: obsessive thoughts about what one should be eating and not eating, guilt after eating certain foods, having strict rules about food, counting portions, calories or other factors about food, afraid of feeling too full, intense fear of gaining weight. 


Suffering from anorexia is not a choice. It is a mental condition that is triggered by many factors: genetics, environmental and psychological. Therefore, someone suffering from anorexia should not feel ashamed to seek help. 


The treatment of anorexia usually involves the help of a multidisciplinary team consisting of a doctor to monitor the vital signs and weight of the sufferer, a psychologist to address the anxiety to increase the food intake and other underlying triggers as well as a dietitian to provide nutrition education to the patient and help the latter meet their energy and nutrient needs. 

At NutriVie Santé, we help all individuals suffering from anorexia: adolescents and adults of all ages, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

We offer a non-judgemental-space at our outpatient anorexia treatment clinic, where the person can share their struggles with food and their body. Knowing how challenging it can be to increase the food intake to get better, we offer a gradual approach to make eating the least anxiety-provoking as possible. 

Our eating-disorder nutritionists help the individual understand the complexities of the eating disorder, its functions and help the individual dissociate  themselves gradually from the disorder and connect more with their body. 

As needed, we also work closely with psychologists specialized in eating disorders in an attempt to dig deeper to the root causes of the issue. 

While anorexia can undoubtdely be extremely hard for a individual suffering from it, it can be quite challenging for their family and loved ones. Therefore, we also offer support to the latter to help them navigate the issue and give them tools to better support the sufferer. 

Recovery is definitely possible! So, if you or your loved one need help, feel free to contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you!


“I worked with a nutritionist from NutriVie Santé, who’s specialized in anorexia over the course of a few months to address my undereating.

She provided a comprehensive plan for me to meet my nutritional needs that was also in line with the dietary restrictions that I have. Not to mention that she always made sure to provide multiple options per meal or snack so that it was easy to mix and match and not get bored eating the same thing all the time.

It was easy to see that the nutritionist genuinely cares about her clients and is very knowledgeable. I’d definitely recommend her!”

“Prior to meeting one of the dietitians at NutriVie Santé, I had worked with a couple other nutritionists who were specialized in eating disorder recovery. However, each encounter left me discouraged, feeling like I’d never be able to recover. I stumbled across NutriVie specifically in late 2022. After learning about her approach and reading reviews, I decided to get in contact.

From the start, the communication was seamless, Jaimie has a special way of making you feel seen, heard and understood. She takes a realistic approach, understanding that eating disorder recovery is non-linear. That mistakes will happen, it’s all part of the process. This help tremendously to alleviate the guilt ED strugglers often feel.

The other aspect of the dietitian’s approach that I valued and contribute largely to my recovery is how she tackles and breaks down the stigmas eating disorder strugglers often create around certain foods and food groups. She takes the time to education you on the facts of nutrition, so you can look beyond what diet culture has programmed you to think. Because if you’ve every struggled with an eating disorder, you know it’s a lot more psychological than anything else.

If you’re struggling and don’t know how to move forward, I recommend sending her a message. I owe my recovery to NutriVie Santé.”

“It’s difficult to find the words to thank the team at NutriVie Santé for their good work and human approach. Thanks to them, my daughter and entire family have been saved. At each session she encouraged me when we were lost and when we didn’t know what to do with our daughter. We were very afraid but we are now on the right path. THANK YOU SO MUCH. 100% recommended.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Does anorexia only affect girls and women?

Anorexia does not discriminate for sex, age and gender. Even if anorexia seems to be more prevalent in women, it has been reported that 5-10% of the diagnoses occur in men. Indeed, according to the U.S. National Eating Disorders, men suffering from an eating disorder are often at higher risk of death because they may be more reluctant to getting treatment due to the stigma that only girls and women can suffer from the disease. 

Do I need a referral to be seen at our treatment clinic?

A diagnosis or referral from a doctor is not required to start treatment with one of our eating-disorder nutritionists. In fact, it could prove to be beneficial to start the recovery process even if your symptoms do not meet the diagnostic criterias yet. This is because early intervention in the treatment process can minimize the detrimental effects of the eating disorder on the sufferer.  

Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us.  Our dietitians specialized in anorexia nervosa will be able to help you heal your relationship even if you don’t have a referral from a doctor. 

How many sessions do I need for anorexia recovery?

Since everyone’s needs are different and given that the anorexia treatment plan and intervention are very individualized for each person’s needs and reality, the number of sessions varies from one person to the other. 

At the beginning, the treatment process can involve a weekly or biweekly appointments. However, nothing is imposed and our eating disorder dietitian will respect your pace. 

Are sessions covered by insurance?

Our services are typically covered by most private insurance companies and may also qualify for tax deductions, making it more accessible to get nutritional support for your eating disorder recovery journey. All of our eating-disorder specialists are members of the Ordre Professionnel des Diététistes et Nutritionnistes du Québec (ODNQ). Therefore, do not hesitate to consult your plan to see if you can benefit from any coverage. 

How do I make an appointment?

One of our nutritionists at NutriVie Santé will gladly help you in your recovery from anorexia. You can simply write to us or call us. We will take some time with you to explain our approach and discuss about your needs and eventually book an appointment for you.


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